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Writer's picture: Andre CorrAndre Corr

 The nature of the world makes progress and development dependent on, the right deals being struck, smart networking, partnerships, and perhaps most importantly, exchange of goods and services. Brokerage as an enterprise is present, and absolutely essential, in a wide array of industries—although in some cases, it is to a lesser, almost imperceptible extent.

A stockbroker, for example, helps individuals and corporations buy and sell securities—shares, bonds, and mutual funds—while a real estate broker helps buyer and seller reach a mutual agreement over the value of property. Brokerage goes beyond being a middleman, there are more subtle and critical functions to be performed, besides just binging buyer and seller together.

Now to the point of this article. What is a technology broker, or more pointedly; why is there even a need for such an individual?

In a world that is increasingly getting digitalized and sophisticated with each passing moments, it can be difficult to keep track of innovations all at once. It is the nature of technology to evolve, to the point where the majority of the population is unaware of cutting edge solutions to their specific problems. This is even more poignant with regards to organizations, who are often in the market for tech solutions to help streamline their production and development processes.

A technology broker, in simple terms, connects individuals and institutions in need of technological solutions, to the optimal service providers, all in a convenient and hitch-free manner. A broker’s effectiveness and ability is founded on the clout or network of partner’s they have cultivated and vetted over the course of their operations. Since the technology broker’s position is a post of trust—after all, they serve as trusted advisors to operational heads of companies—their network of partners is thoroughly and meticulously vetted, to ensure they are provide their client’s high quality tech solutions.

Businesses preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution—which places great emphasis on efficiency and technological adoption in order to survive—are constantly on the prowl for solutions that puts them ahead of the competition. Given the seemingly warp speed at which businesses must operate today, it is often impossible for a company’s internal IT department to seek out, negotiate, and source for the right software, hardware, or customized solutions.

Outsourcing your company’s technological needs to a specialized party, in this case, your broker, will ensure you obtain only the highest quality products at a reasonable, cost-effective price.

Merits of Hiring A Technology Broker

The value of engaging the services of a technology broker can be obtained in the short-term, and perhaps more importantly, in the long run for your business. What exactly do you stand to gain with the services of a technology broker?

  • Leveraging A Thoroughly Vetted Network

In a market that hinges on reputation and trustworthiness, ideally, a technology broker will have a network of vendors and service providers—each bringing specific, or a mix of, values to prospective clients. A client in the market for a particular service can count on a broker for a detailed brief on each vendor, highlighting strengths, weakness, and other intricate details.

  • Competitive Pricing

While obtaining the right technology solution and service for your firm’s needs can be quite pricey, with the aid of a broker, you can access a more cost-effective deal. With a variety of vendors and service providers at his disposal, your broker will source out the optimal deal—one that meets your needs and also falls within your budget. Dealing with a broker also grants you access to certain complimentary perks from vendors—discounts, service extensions, among the likes.

  • Proactive Vendor/Service Research

The need to be technological savvy—integrating technology into your normal business services; upgrading hardware or software, has dominated every aspect of human existence, and at times, businesses fail to recognize the need for certain products. A technology broker has a finger on the pulse of the technology world, keeping track of new and revolutionary services as soon as they are developed. Knowing the needs of clients, a broker will recommend certain solutions that meet specific needs, even those that are not presently obvious. Your business is constantly ahead of the curve, integrating value-adding services long before competitors.


  • Objective Vendor Evaluation

IT managers, Chief-Operating-Officers, and business owners are constantly inundated with offers from vendors and services providers, ranging from legitimate solutions, to malicious solutions that carry potential security threats. Scouring through this avalanche of options can be challenging, especially with regards to obscure and niche areas of specialization.

A technology broker with experience in such an niche has the qualifications to sieve through the noise and actually identify solutions that add value to the business in the long run.  A tech broker has a near fiduciary duty to your firm as clients. It is his duty to conduct an objective evaluation of vendor and service to ensure it truly meets the standards being espoused and that which your firm requires.

  • Seamless Transitioning Between Providers

A technology broker eliminates the difficult learning stages that usually befall a firm upon the adoption of certain technological solutions. With years of experience in this service, the learning curve is considerably shortened with the aid of your broker. He can help you put contingency plans in place to ensure the integration of radical solutions do not adversely affect your business while your firm gets accustomed to it.  

Choosing Waggle Solutions

At Waggle Solutions, we take pride in helping businesses access only the highest quality tech solutions, at a competitive, affordable price. Technology brokers with years of valuable market experience, our values are efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and most importantly, client satisfaction.

Sourcing and integrating the most effective tech solutions in the market, will give your business the right nudge—placing you firmly ahead of the competition. Distinguishing between optimal service providers and solutions is where the real challenge is, and at Waggle Solutions, we make it our duty to meticulously curate your options.

I can be reached at or by phone at 206.225.5915. Lets start a conversation.

By Andre Corr CEO Waggle Solutions

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